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Happiness & the Pursuit of Difficult Problems
Lurking behind the question of jobs -- whether there are enough of them, how hard we should work at them, and what kind the future will bring -- is a major problem of job engagement. Too many people are tuned out, turned off, or ready to leave. But there's one striking exception. The happiest people I know are dedicated to dealing with the most difficult problems. Turning around inner city schools... posted on Apr 21 2013, 9,404 reads


7 People Under 30 Changing Our World
"Members of the Millennial Generation are predisposed to start organizations and businesses, with 15% doing so right out of college, an increase of 300% from 20 years ago. Here are the stories of seven people under 30 who are making this kind of impact from Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation is Shaping Our World." This Fast Company article shares more.... posted on Apr 20 2013, 9,757 reads


Ten Things You Might Not Know About Love
"The vision of love that emerges from the latest science requires a radical shift. I learned that I need to ask people to step back from their current views of love long enough to consider it from a different perspective: their body's perspective. Love is not romance. It's not desire. It's not even that special bond you feel with family or significant others. And perhaps most challenging of all, l... posted on Apr 19 2013, 44,073 reads


Jessica Cox: The World's First Arm-less Pilot
Jessica Cox is the world's first licensed arm-less pilot. Born without arms, she has never let this obstacle stand in her way. With a dauntless spirit and valiant creativity, she not only drives and plays piano but has also become the first arm-less black-belt in the American Taekwondo Association. Her story reminds us of the infinite capacities of the human spirit, and what we can do when we make... posted on Apr 18 2013, 5,684 reads


7 Tips to Transform Boredom
"One of the patron saints of my Happier at Home project, Samuel Johnson, wrote, "It is by studying little things that we attain the great art of having as little misery and as much happiness as possible." One "little thing" that can be a source of unhappiness is boredom. Waiting in traffic. Waiting for the subway. Doing the dishes. Waiting in a doctor's office. Listening to your thirteen year old ... posted on Apr 17 2013, 34,710 reads


111 Trees Planted for Every Girl Born Here
"A village in southern Rajasthan's Rajsamand district is quietly practicing its own, homegrown brand of Eco-feminism and achieving spectacular results. For the last several years, Piplantri village panchayat has been saving girl children and increasing the green cover in and around it at the same time. Here, villagers plant 111 trees every time a girl is born and the community ensures these trees ... posted on Apr 16 2013, 6,544 reads


Hitting Rock Bottom & Learning to Truly Live
"Have you ever thought to yourself how amazing it is the way we control our body? We don't even have to think about it, we just do it. On the other hand, what if things were different? Imagine not being able to take a step, let alone stand." Vik Shivdasani has done more than just imagine that reality. At 22, a tragic fall from a third-floor balcony left him paralyzed waist down. For years he strug... posted on Apr 15 2013, 14,565 reads


5 Delightful Ways to Live What You Already Know
"In your heart of hearts, in the deepest place within yourself, you know the truth. The truth of living from love, of being free of whatever holds you back, of fullness, well-being, and contentment. Why pretend you don't know any longer? You might be afraid to acknowledge and live this knowing. You might be diverted by thinking your life doesn't measure up or you've been dealt a bad hand or you're... posted on Apr 14 2013, 24,093 reads


Snail Mail My Email
"Snail mail fascinates me," says Ivan Cash. "There's something warm and fuzzy about coming home and checking the mail and getting a letter from a friend. It's such an intimate for of communication, especially in today's world." But when he noticed his letter correspondence was dwindling as text and Facebook messages were growing, he decided something needed to change. The 25 year old, quit his ... posted on Apr 13 2013, 5,766 reads


The Most Beautiful Street in the World
"There are an estimated 11 million miles of paved road on Earth, forming a sprawling network which some might say represents humanity's conquest of the otherwise inaccessibly wild landscape. But, ironically it seems, the most beautiful streets in world just might be the ones that more closely resemble the untamed. With so many scenic streets in cities across the globe determining which of all is p... posted on Apr 12 2013, 17,909 reads


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No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein

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